The best way to get into the skin of other one is to walk with his shoes.
About Us
We are a group of people full with a passion for all kinds of sports.
We have been providing for years all kind of unique garment from all over the world to all over the world.
We started in with a small shop in Madrid. And now we offer our services in or website.
At the very beginning it was just a hobby. We had a huge collection of T-shits, boots, rackets, and so on. It was mainly Spanish teams equipment, then the sport garment of Argentinian football players.
And then we realize that we had contacts in almost any countries, not only providers but more and more people that demands our articles.
As the goods are unique so to satisfy our public we make sells auctions.
The best way to get into the skin of other one is to walk with his shoes.
History of project
In this part you can describe the project's history and give reasons for its creation. It is convinient to mention project milestones and honor participating people.